The MS Azure discovery url is{tenant}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
{tenant} can take differents value, depending on the configuration you made :
your projet tenant id
For the examples, we will use the url
The project organization is set like that for the example :
/src : directory with your scripts
/data : datas you will need
vendor : externals library
BUG on Azure the 04/03/2023 : the userInfo endpoint return givenname and not given_name ; same thing for family_name
Create a script authorization.php in src. This script need to load the vendor autoload.php script.
For authorization, you don't need to authentificate your app
require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$disco_url = '';
$client_id = 'yourClient_id';
$session_key = 'YWQ4Q1Hpb_zQliS5wGYDDPZm2xC7PzyfjgLKBNodkazkN_pEPlm7yVBw5r9_pDzSwHJRsFVZShQyb_LFUSMBGQ';
$callback_url = 'https://yourAPPurl/callback.php';
$client = new Svgta\OidcClient\init($disco_url, $client_id);
$auth = $client->authorization($callback_url);
$auth->addScope('email profile');
$auth->addScope('offline_access'); // To get a refresh_token if needed
The user is sent to microsoft to authenticate. After authentication, il will be redirect to the url_callback you defined.
callback.php is the script in /src directory you have created to deal with the callback after user authentication. It will be used to get user informations.
MS Azure offers 2 possibilities to authenticate your application :
with a client_secret : same functionnalities with others OP
with a private key : private_key_jwt method
First of all, you need to have a certificate and its private key. Example to create a self-signed certificate with openssl (you will need to create a secret for the private key) : openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 365
Put the key.pem (private key) and cert.pem (certificate) files in /data directory.
Register the certificate in you MS Azure console.
For authentication, MS Azure need to receive the x5t value of the certificate in the JWS header you will sent. See this example.
At this point, you can authorize the user to your application with the userinfo you get.
You can leave the tokens in the session. But, if you get the refresh_token, it's recommended to save it in a database to use it for your personnal reasons.
Refresh token
You need the refresh_token get in your callback script.
In the example, the refresh_token is get from the session.