Token endpoint


The library try to choose the best authentication method depending of the OP options for the endpoint token. But you can force it. The methods allowed are :

  • pkce : if you used pkce for authorization (no client_secret needed)

  • client_secret_basic (client_secret needed)

  • client_secret_post (client_secret needed)

  • client_secret_jwt (client_secret needed)

  • private_key_jwt (no client_secret needed)

For that, you need to use the method set_auth_method.

Example : force to client_secret_basic

$client = new Svgta\OidcClient\init(

$tokenRes = $client->token();
$tokenRes->set_auth_method('client_secret_basic'); // optional, to force the authentication method


Usign the method client_secret_jwt

The authentication to the token_endpoint is made by sending a JWT signed with the client_ secret. The default algorithm used by the libray is HS256

The RFC 7518 indicate the minimum length that client_secret must have

The JWT can be signed with :

  • HS256 : minimum length of client_secret 256 bits

  • HS384 : minimum length of client_secret 384 bits

  • HS512 : minimum length of client_secret 512 bits

// Example

Usign the method private_key_jwt

The authentication to the token_endpoint is made by sending a JWT signed with a RSA or Elliptic private key. The public key or certificate must be known by the OP.

The private key can be given in multiple format :

//From PEM
  $privateKey = <<<EOD
  -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----

    ->set_private_key_pem($privateKey, $password) // $password is OPTIONNAL. Set it if the key is protected by a password
    ->set_kid('my key id') //optionnal

//From file contening pem
    ->set_private_key_pem_file($pathOfFile, $password) // $password is OPTIONNAL. Set it if the key is protected by a password
    ->set_kid('my key id') //optionnal

//From p12 file
    ->set_p12_file($pathOfFile, $password) // $password is OPTIONNAL. Set it if the p12 is protected by a password
    ->set_kid('my key id') //optionnal

//From X509 certificate
  $cert = <<<EOD
  // Certificate informations to PEM format

    ->set_private_key_pem($privateKey, $password) // $password is OPTIONNAL. Set it if the key is protected by a password
    ->set_kid('my key id') //optionnal

//From X509 certificate file
    ->set_private_key_pem_file($pathToPrivateKey, $password) // $password is OPTIONNAL. Set it if the key is protected by a password
    ->set_kid('my key id') //optionnal

//Use certificate Info for the signed JWT header in the tokens requests
// -- used to authentificate to microsoft azure with a certificate
  $tokenRes = $client->token();
  $tokenRes->jwt_headers_options('kid'); //add the kid from the certificate
  $tokenRes->jwt_headers_options('x5t'); //add x5t from the certificate

For RSA key, the default algorithm used by the library is RS256. Theses algorithms can be used :

  • RS256

  • RS384

  • RS512

  • PS256

  • PS384

  • PS512

// Example

For Ellyptic key, the algorithm is automatically set from the curve present in the key :

  • P-256 : ES256

  • P-384 : ES384

  • P-521 : ES512

Last updated